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There are some major and very real challenges I haven't yet heard discussed when it comes to social housing...

There have to be SO MANY rules and so many checks and balances to protect the community from things like fraud, apathy, abuse. Then there is the question of who becomes liable? Seattle's affordable housing is in a health and safety crisis. In social housing, who takes on responsibility when HVAC units aren't cleaned for 20 years and people get sick? Or plumbing back flows and people end up with auto immune diseases? Or building structures teeter on the edge of collapse?

And governance... The loudest voice in the room is rarely the one really worth listening to. Abuse can run rampant.

I support the idea of social housing, but the pundits I hear talking about it are totally out of touch with the reality of it, causing me to worry of the giant mess that could come of it .. .

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