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When is the SPD going to clean up its act? After "administration" and "utilities and transportation," Seattle police eat up the biggest slice of the budget pie (https://openbudget.seattle.gov/#!/year/2024/operating/0/service?vis=pieChart). These continual payouts for police misconduct don't come out of the police budget, of course (they're probably hidden in "administration," I haven't found it). But the SPD seems to suffer no consequences for the burden its misconduct places on the public or our city budget. Thanks a million to Erica C. Barnett for keeping us informed about police shenanigans.

Can't wait to see what it's going to cost us that Kevin Dave—the Seattle police officer who killed 23-year-old pedestrian Jaahnavi Kandula last year while driving 74 miles an hour—didn't even have a valid driver's license when he hit Kandula.

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